We can’t do it alone.
Sailing is an expensive sport, and we can’t do it without you. We pay for everything that is not donated to us. We pay for coaching, training camps, coach boats, sails, 470 boats, lines, technical equipment, sailing gear, air travel, communications, insurance, entry fees and more. As well as making a donation by clicking the link below, we can also use airline miles, hotel points and gas cards. Thank you to everyone for your continued support, we are truly glad to have you on the PVS team.
Donations by check should be made out and mailed to:
US Coast Guard Alumni Association
47 Mohegan Ave
New London, CT 06320
The Memo line on the check or the cover letter accompanying the check should indicate the donation is for the Elite Athletic Excellence Fund – Perfect Vision Sailing.
The Tax ID # for the fund is 06-1354978, if needed for the Charitable Fund grant nomination process.